Be Grateful & Fulfilled

Name 5 things you are grateful for right now, I will wait…
How did that feel?
What did your body do?

I am willing to bet that whatever stresses or worries you had feel different now, if they are even present. That your body is more at ease, there may be a smile spread across your face and your jaw and shoulders are probably more relaxed. I am not one to believe that you can positively think your way through everything. Challenges will arise within and outside of you, you will experience, sadness, anger, stress and fear. Yet, what we pay attention to will grow. The happiest people I know live in gratitude and are able to express it: to themselves and to others. See and celebrate what you have and the wonderful gifts around you not what you think you should or do not have. Live a life of abundance, not poverty.

Be grateful and be fulfilled

Try this test, for one week keep a note pad next to your bed and when you rise write down five things you are grateful for. Make sure every day your list is different. See how the evolution of your day changes when you set a tone of gratitude. Keep it going as long as you can and watch how grateful you will feel about the smallest things, like the warmth of sunlight spreading through your room in the morning, or the feel of the fabric of your favorite T-shirt against your skin. Finding gratitude everywhere is easy, just practice and do…


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