CEO Corner & Jimmy Surf Fiesta Signups

Andy Dellenbach speaks at the 2024 Benefiesta

Labor Day traditionally puts a stamp on summer. For JMMF, it marks the end of our busiest portion of the year but not the end of our season. Amazingly, we were able to conduct 35 Ocean Therapy sessions from June 1 to August 31st…the busiest summer we’ve ever had!

As I reflect back on how we are able to pull off 35 sessions in 90 days (with 80+ sessions planned for the year), the metaphor of a stable three-legged stool comes to mind.

1. Supporters
2. Volunteers  
3. Teamwork

This is not a new concept for Non-Profit Organizations (NPO’s) like JMMF. In order for most NPO’s to be successful, all of these elements are necessary and co-dependent. If you don’t have all three, you probably don’t have a successful program.
JMMF’s is blessed to have all three in SPADES!
Our base of support – from grantors to families to other foundations to individuals – has never been wider, deeper or stronger in our history. JMMF’s balance sheet is fortified, our sources of income/revenue are diversified and the interest in our successful programming from new funders and partners has never been greater. Oceans of gratitude to our funders and supporters that pay for the fuel to keep this little engine running!

2024 Benefiesta Dreamland sign under the bright moon

I’ve often said that JMMF runs on the fuel of our Volunteers. Over the last five years, JMMF has doubled the number of Ocean Therapy sessions we offer each year and our amazing volunteer base has stepped up to meet this increased calling. From Coronado to Santa Barbara and beyond, our volunteers have unabashedly sacrificed their time, talent and often treasure to support the growing populations we serve. It’s truly remarkable and inspiring. To everyone who has come out and volunteered with us, we thank you from the bottom of our hearts…and so do the participants that surf with us. There is no way we could help as many people as we do without your fire! I wish there was something greater in the English language beyond “Thank You”!

surf therapy volunteers

And to our team, or as we like to call them, our JMMF family: You are a pleasure to work with and alongside. Our Teamwork is what makes the Dream Work!  From our Beach Managers to Safety Coordinators and Surf Instructors, your tireless trips to and from storage, the grocery store and laundrymat, hauling gear up and down the beach, cleaning and sweeping sand from every crevice – you do the “heavy lifting” to make this program thrive. Our growing team of Ocean Therapists led by Nick Borrelli has never been healthier or heartier, and your guidance, calmness and expertise in “holding space” is invigorating. Kudos to our marketing team that puts these newsletters together, recruits volunteers, promotes our sessions and events, and has one of the strongest social media games in the field. Behind it all is our ever-smiling Program Manager, Pam Sousa, who orchestrates the entire show like an adept symphony conductor. And then there is Nancy, who I like to say is the “heart and soul” of JMMF, whose life mission is to keep Jimmy’s spirit alive through the Foundation and our Ocean Therapy sessions while healing others, and ourselves, one wave at a time. Nancy is our cheerleader, advocate and mamaNanc. 

There is no doubt that the need is there for alternative mental health resources like our Ocean Therapy Program, the call has gone out for support, and you have all responded to answer the call.
It’s been said that Americans are the most philanthropic and generous people on Earth. Based on the dedication, sacrifice and generosity I see every day from our supporters, volunteers and team at JMMF, I wholeheartedly agree.
Radically inspired by you all,
Andy Dellenbach
Chief Executive Officer, JMMF
PS – The summer is behind us, but there are still plenty populations that are crying out for help and Ocean Therapy sessions ahead. SIGN UP HERE 

JMMF Team 2024

Sign Ups For The Jimmy Surf Fiesta 2024 Are LIVE!

Join us on OCTOBER 12th, 2024 for what is arguably the most fun, family surf contest in the world!!! Surfers of all levels and ages are encouraged to participate! If you don’t surf, please come cheer on your family and friends and enjoy a good old fashioned beach party!

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Thank you to everyone who played a part in making the 2024 Jimmy Surf Fiesta such an amazing day. From our presenting sponsors – MB

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