NOTE: We must have a completed release form on file for all volunteers. Please complete the volunteer release form if you have not previously done so or if you have moved or have any current information to add.
“While surfing, I am in the moment. I am not thinking about anything else”.
The JMMF Ocean Therapy Program is a unique therapeutic program that assists participants with access to the ocean and its healing benefits through surfing. JMMF has been providing surf therapy sessions for over 15 years in the spirit of our inspiration, Jimmy Miller – a passionate waterman we lost too soon to mental health issues.
Every Second Saturday of the Month
Location: SOUTH PONTO STATE BEACH, CARLSBAD CA. Meet in the State Beach Parking Lot just north of the Alila Marea Beach Resort.
0745 Parking lot meet up and suit up
0800 Therapy Circle on the sand
0830 Surf (All abilities welcome)
1000 Closing Discussion